Thursday 24 July 2014

EmployWise - There’s more to Employee Engagement than Just Work!

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HR Management SoftwareAs the days unfold, businesses and companies face tougher competition and hostile plateaus being set up by consumers who want more from a company. With costs to cut and consumers to impress, companies are torn between these two facets. But there seems to be a ray of hope, Employee engagement

Wait, employee engagement?? What’s different apart from engaging an employee by providing him a job in a company? Well actually there’s more, and most of all it could hold the ticket in combating the scenarios most companies find their place in. 

Employee engagement surpasses far beyond than just engaging an employee with his or her respective work, it’s trying to inculcate a model in which an employee can find himself more responsible towards the company’s growth and ideologies. 

We have chosen five models from five of the most successful companies to share their take on employee engagement.
  1. Make it strategic - Intel Corporation: Intel sets the stage up by sharing a vision and motto that links employee performances to their business strategy. Intel calculates each employee’s annual bonus directly based on its annual results. This not only incurs a dash of enthusiasm but also establishes a sense of greater responsibility within each employee.
  2. Make it personal: Hyatt Hotels & Resorts - Global issues like climate change and biodiversity are issues which each employee is aware of but is hard to implement as a company. Therefore Hyatt Hotels have harnessed the power bestowed in peer to peer influence and social networking to hook up more than 300 green teams worldwide. Employees make use of Facebook and other social websites to post photos and queries about how they can make a change to the environment.
  3. Make it Flexible: WalMart - WalMart recognized the need for employee engagement and took a radical step by assigning their own employee engagement schemes to the employee’s itself. Now the employees itself have synthesized a scheme called My Sustainably Plan (MSP) in which more that 2 million associates over 28 countries participate. The scheme encourages employees to share their goals, whether personal or work related to receive feedback from others on how well that goal can be achieved.
  4. Make it Easy: Google - Google, already widely known for pampering of employees with knick knacks, educates its employees on the benefits of simple actions like turning of computers at night. Micro kitchens set up around every workplace are designed to encourage the use of reusable dishes and flatware.
  5. Make it Last: Cliff Bar - To make an employee engagement scheme a success its vital to pursue the model as an ongoing campaign. Cliff bar has within its model benefit packages like incentives for actions like purchasing a fuel-efficient cat and building eco friendly homes. Ongoing momentum is ensured in weekly staff meetings where employees share ideas for a greener living. 
A good engagement program is a sure shot way to recruit and retain an employee pool with good talent. But engaging employees and encouraging them incurs a strong trust to blossom which drives innovation and creativity ultimately aiding to the company’s growth.

Employwise is a complete HR Software for the life-cycle of an employee including Leave and Attendance software, Employee Database, Travel and Expense ManagementStart your free trial for 30 days....


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