Monday 25 August 2014

EmployWise: Anointing the Bruise of Performance Appraisal

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Employee Performance Management Software
Performance appraisals induce strong tremors as aftershocks which have known to cause cracks in the mental state of employee’s. These cracks soon transcend and escalate into wide gorges, which cause rifts between the employee and his company.
Majority of the company’s employ an appraisal model, irrespective of its effectiveness and even its implementation. But no matter its finesse in execution, the truth remains that the factor of subjectivity will play spoilsport in maintaining an impartial and unbiased appraisal review.
The factor of subjectivity is bred in our human nature, and the outcome is directly proportional to the vibes between the manager conducting the review and the employee being reviewed.
Companies have learnt to pause recruitment drives post immediately after their performance appraisal, as they are expecting resignations form employee’s, who have fallen victim to the cracks from their appraisals.Therefore it’s essential to practice damage control which perhaps may mend and prevent the loss of an employee which may cause a talent deficit in the organization.The best antidote is to invoke a fair feedback system immune to character assassinations of managers due to the rage of employee’s.
Indian corporate has established a dogma which is far fetched from the fact of introducing these feedback systems. This is due because, feedbacks systems turn volatile as they need to find balances between being negative or constructive irrespective of it being the truth. And the skill of diplomacy is not something everyone bags.
The best remedy is to create an anonymous feedback system which confines the feedbacks in an enclosure as options given and to provide a quality and fair canvas to the employee’s. Prominent measures need to be taken by the HR to provide testament to the worthiness of the feedback which may in turn be a reassurance to the employee’s.
Job satisfaction has a direct impact upon the manager and employee relationship, its the prime ingredient in cooking up resignations and causing alarming talent deficits. Good performers fall victim to subjectivity and often cause a large void in the talent pool of the company upon their withdrawal.
Upon introspection it can be noted that the performance of an employee is a complex equation harnessing the variables such as motivational factors, training, expected outcomes, resources, delegates and the extent of empowerment. If an employee fails to meet the relevant and required competencies it’s rather absurd to blame the employee unless it is a case of voluntary underachievement.
The crucial litmus test of an organization in an employee’s mind lies in the way the company treats its departing employees. Therefore the outcome of this test is what defines the rate of corrosion in the employee pool.
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